From the blog post:
Cal South is excited to announce that the 2021 Cal South State Cup and National Cup tournaments are scheduled to be held in May and early June. The following are State Cup and National Cup items that are pending and will be communicated once they are finalized in the near future.
Official Venue/Field locations
Start dates for each age group have not been determined at this time
Cup Rules are still being reviewed. The following rules are currently under review:
Sanctioned Fall League team eligibility requirement
Roster Continuity Deadlines
Roster Freeze Deadlines
Player Transfer Limit
New USYS National Cup combined 19U-20U (2020-2021) age group this year.
The National Cup and State Cup Divisions (Presidents, Governors and Mayors) will be open. Teams will not be placed per a Cal South Play Level Guide this year since there was no fall league play to rank teams.
Additional information regarding COVID-19 Cup policies or guidelines will be provided on a later date.
We look forward to seeing you on the pitch soon.